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作者:抖音小助手 浏览量: 时间:2024-05-09 10:00

1.In the English dictionary, “celery” is commonly referred to as “Apium graveolens”, a plant belonging to umbelliferae family. 2.It is a long, four-legged domestic vegetable that closely resembles a parsley. It is most commonly sold either in whole stalks or as leaves. 3.The leaves are often used as seasonings in cooking, with a mild, spicy flavor, and for garnishing. In addition to being eaten raw, it can also be cooked, usually by boiling. 4.The celery plant is also eaten, usually in small amounts as part of salads and soups, and is a good source of fiber. 5.Celery is closely related to other vegetables like carrots, fennel and radishes, and its seeds are actually used as a flavoring agent for some foods. 6.The celery stalk is also known to possess medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects. 7.In addition to being eaten raw, celery has also been used to make a variety of food products, such as chutneys, pickles, and salads. 8.Celery is also used for medicinal purposes, being one of the oldest known vegetables to have been used for food and medicine. 9.The celery plant is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa, although it can also be grown in other climates. 10.Celery is a hardy vegetable that is easily grown in home gardens and can thrive in both moist or dry conditions. 一、“芹芽菜”的营养价值 1.芹芽菜含有大量的蛋白质、矿物质、有机酸以及维生素,能够满足人体多种营养需求。它富含维生素A、C,可以防治头发早白、皮肤粗糙;富含钙、铁和维生素B,有助于预防贫血和畏寒。 2.芹芽菜也拥有一定的抗氧化性能,能有效防止自由基的产生,起到保护人体健康的作用。它富含大量黄酮类植物化学物质,能够预防癌症,尤其对消化系统癌症的发生有一定作用。 3.芹芽菜还具有抗衰老作用,可以防止血管的硬化、皱纹的出现,从而延长人类的寿命。此外,芹芽菜还含有大量的植物纤维素,有助于保持肠道的健康,降低胆固醇的吸收并有助于减少肥胖的发生。 二、“芹芽菜”的食用方式 1.“芹芽菜”最常见的食用方式是炒菜,只需要将芹芽菜洗净,加入少许油、盐和其他佐料烹饪,即可上桌。它可以与鱼、肉等配合素食一起炒,营养更加全面。 2.芹芽菜也可以新鲜食用,将芹芽菜去尾芽叶,洗净,然后加入一些醋、盐、葱蒜拌匀,即可上桌。 3.芹芽菜也可以制成汤,可以在汤中放入芹芽菜、黄瓜、胡萝卜,加入盐、酱油等佐料,煮出美味的汤,作为早餐最合适不过。 三、芹芽菜的鉴别和储存方法 1.鉴别“芹芽菜”:芹芽菜身绿色,形状狭长,挺直如林,叶不甚细圆,柔软鲜美,口感鲜嫩。 2.储存方法:新鲜的“芹芽菜”一般不需要储存,可以当天就食用,但在储存时,需要注意要将芹芽菜放置在密封容器中,还要放至冰箱里,同时要尽量把芹芽菜折起,而不是整棵放置,这样可以延长芹芽菜的新鲜度。