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作者:抖音小助手 浏览量: 时间:2024-05-09 17:20

  网页制作常用英语   随着互联网的不断发展和普及,越来越多的人开始意识到网页制作的重要性。无论是个人网站还是企业官网,一个好的网站都能增强企业形象和提升用户体验。在网页制作的过程中,我们通常会使用一些常用的英语词汇。下面就来介绍一下网页制作中常用的英语。   一、设计   Design:设计   Layout:布局   Template:模板   UI:用户界面   UX:用户体验   Mockup:模型   Prototype:原型   Wireframe:线框图   PSD:Photoshop文件格式   AI:Illustrator文件格式   Sketch:设计软件   二、前端开发   Front-end development:前端开发   HTML:超文本标记语言   CSS:层叠样式表   JavaScript:JavaScript脚本语言   jQuery:一种流行的JavaScript库   Bootstrap:一种前端CSS框架   Responsive design:响应式设计   Web font:网络字体   Web framework:Web框架   三、后端开发   Back-end development:后端开发   Server:服务器   Database:数据库   PHP:一种流行的后端开发语言   MySQL:一种流行的数据库   Python:一种后端开发语言   Ruby:一种后端开发语言   API:应用程序接口   Web service:Web服务   四、其他   Browser:浏览器   Cache:缓存   SEO:搜索引擎优化   Analytics:分析   Sitemap:站点地图   Hosting:主机托管   DNS:域名系统   FTP:文件传输协议   以上是网页制作中常用的英语词汇。当然,还有很多其他的词汇,需要根据自己的实际情况进行学习和使用。如果你想学习网页制作,通过掌握这些基本的英语词汇,你就能更好地了解和掌握网页制作的技能。   Title: Commonly Used English Translation Software for Web Page Design   Introduction   In today’s globalized world, it has become increasingly important to have a website that can be accessible to people from all over the world. However, creating a website that is appealing and accessible to people across different cultures requires proper translation of the content into different languages. In this context, English translation software plays a crucial role in the web page design process. This article will discuss some commonly used English translation software for web page design.   1. Google Translate   Google Translate is one of the most widely used translation software for web page design. It offers a wide range of features, including text translation, speech translation, and image translation. It provides translations for over 100 languages, making it an ideal choice for web designers who want to create a multilingual website. Google Translate also offers a Chrome extension, which allows users to translate web pages with just one click.   2. SDL Trados   SDL Trados is another popular translation software used by web designers. It is a computer-assisted translation tool that provides a range of features, including translation memory, terminology management, and project management. SDL Trados is ideal for translation of large volume of text, making it a good choice for e-commerce websites or for websites that publish a lot of content on a regular basis.   3. MemoQ   MemoQ is a translation software that is designed to simplify the translation process for web designers. It provides a range of features, including translation memory, terminology management, and project management. MemoQ supports a wide range of file formats, including HTML, XML, and PHP, making it a good choice for web designers who work with different kinds of web pages.   4. Wordfast   Wordfast is another popular translation software that is used extensively in web page design. It is a computer-assisted translation tool that supports a wide range of file formats, including HTML, XML, and PHP. Wordfast also offers a feature called “AnyTM”, which allows users to incorporate translations from other translation software into Wordfast.   5. OmegaT   OmegaT is an open-source translation software that is ideal for web designers on a tight budget. It offers a range of features, including translation memory, terminology management, and project management. OmegaT supports a wide range of file formats, including HTML, XML, and PHP.   Conclusion