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作者:抖音小助手 浏览量: 时间:2024-05-09 09:10

各种常见“蔬菜”的英文名字: 洋葱              onion 青葱              green onion 茄子              eggplant 南瓜              pumpkin 青瓜              cucumber 冬瓜              wax gourd [wæks ɡɔ:d] 丝瓜              towel gourd 莲藕              lotus root 青椒              green pepper 黄椒              yellow pepper 甜椒              bell pepper 橄榄              olive 蘑菇              mushroom 韭菜              Chinese chive 韭葱              leek 生菜              lettuce [ˈletɪs] 菠菜              spinach [ˈspɪnɪtʃ] 白菜              Chinese cabbage 土豆              potato 地瓜              sweet potato 豌豆              pea 青豆              green bean 扁豆              lentil [ˈlentl] 大豆              soybean 香芋              taro 栗子              chestnut 山药              Chinese yam 玉米              corn 鳄梨              avocado [ˌævəˈkɑ:dəʊ] 甜菜              beet/beetroot 芦笋              asparagus [əˈspærəɡəs] 蒜头              garlic 蒜苗              garlic sprout 茴香              fennel 欧芹              parsley [ˈpɑ:sli] 洋蓟              artichoke [ˈɑ:tɪtʃəʊk] 生姜              ginger root 西芹              celery 香菜              coriander [ˌkɒriˈændə(r)] 山葵              wasabi/horseradish 秋葵 okra/lady's finger 薄荷              mint 红葱头          shallot 胡萝卜          carrot 小萝卜          radish 红辣椒          chili pepper 西红柿          tomato 包心菜          cabbage 紫甘蓝          red/purple cabbage 大白菜          napa cabbage 娃娃菜 baby cabbage 西兰花          broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] 花椰菜          cauliflower [ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)] 鹰嘴豆          chickpea 小胡瓜          courgette [kʊrˈʒet]/zucchini [zuˈki:ni] 西葫芦          marrow 水田芥          watercress [ˈwɔ:təkres] 芝麻叶          arugula [əˈru:ɡjʊlə] 抱子甘蓝      brussels sprout [ˌbrʌslz ˈspraʊt] 羽衣甘蓝      kale 芜菁甘蓝      turnip 学会了吗?欢迎补充。#我要上头条##英语##英语词汇# #每天打卡背单词# Give a warm reception. 热情欢迎、接待 例句: 1. I feel greatly honoured to be given such a warm reception. 承蒙热情接待,不胜荣幸。 2. You are visiting from "a thousand miles away", it is only right that I give you a warm reception. 你千里迢迢到这里,我当然得好好的招待你。 3. The Chinese leader was given a warm reception in Cairo. 中国领导人在开罗受到了热情的接待。 4. We will give a warm reception to the visitor on behalf of our company. They may turn out to be the potential customers. 我们将代表公司热情接待来访者。他们可能会成为潜在客户。 5. I didn't feel like I had the warmest reception coming here. 我觉得我来这里并不怎么受欢迎啊。 #英语# #英语每日一句# [微风]【欧芹】是西式料理中常见的香料,英文名 Parsley,别名法香、香芹、法国香菜、洋芫荽、荷兰芹、旱芹菜、番荽。原产于地中海两岸的意大利、阿尔及利亚和突尼斯,公元前3世纪在罗马人的厨房里,已经可以找到欧芹的踪影。现在中国也较多种植,主要供西餐业使用。 [微风]叶子很像是香菜或芹菜, 味道清新温和,有浓郁的香草味。但是气味比香菜清淡,比中国芹菜的气味又厚重。它不仅有装饰盘面的作用,在调制酱料时也是很好用的调味料。可以带出其他基本香料和调料的味道,由于它的特殊香味,可以掩饰其他食材中过强的异味而使之变得清香。 [微风]给菜式增色增味,适合各种食材,如:意面、沙拉、汤、奶油、鱼、肉、土豆和烤鸡等。 尤其是用在鱼类料理上,味道非常好。在做意面的时候,撒上一些欧芹碎,风味很独特。也有直接把欧芹当蔬菜食用的。 [微风]如果将其切碎脱水处理的话用途更加广泛,香味也会更加浓郁。吃葱蒜后嚼一点香芹叶,可消除口齿中的异味。#食材知识科普##欧芹# #英语# 今天我们一起来看看“在网上火了”,“爆红”怎么说吧。 It went viral. It has gone viral. *中文释义:火了、四处传播、网络快速散播、流传、短期内获得大量传播,迅速走红,变得火爆、疯传、疯转、爆红。 *英文释义:Internet contents get widely spread like a virus that becomes pandemic。 Go viral是在互联网社交媒体大环境下产生的词汇。大家都知道网络上信息的传播速度之快,就像流行病或者病毒似的,可以广泛传播迅速蔓延。 它的适用范围往往是“互联网内容”,如视频、文章、图片、直播等,在短时间内受到大量关注,快速蹿红。 需要注意的是,go viral一般不用来形容人。比如现在爆火的刘畊宏和本草纲目健身操,他的健身操aerobics dancing可以用went viral来形容,但他本人Will Liu 倒是可以考虑使用became famous overnight(一夜爆红)之类的来表达。 例句: 1. So obviously, this video went viral. 很明显,这个视频火了。 2. A recent YouTube video got 5 million views and quickly went viral.最近的一段YouTube视频获得了500万次浏览量,并迅速传播开来。 3. Originally developed as an educational tool, this video quickly went viral, surpassing five million viewers in just a few short months.这段视频最初是作为教学素材开发的,但很快就走红了,短短几个月就4有了超过500万的观众。 4. The video of my dog doing tricks has gone viral and drawn more than 2 million “likes” . 我家修狗表演小把戏的视频火了,有200多万的点赞。 5. Last year, MomsRising had a Mother's Day video card that went viral with over 12 million views. 去年,MomsRising的一张母亲节视频祝福卡爆火,浏览量超过了1200万。 6. My friend's post went viral because it was so inspirational. 我朋友的帖子被疯转,因为它太鼓舞人心了。 #英语每日一句# #英语习语# #English Idiom# #英语习语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# Cop *中文释义:警察 *英文释义:police, policeman, police officer. It’s fairly informal, so we can use it any time we talk about the police in an informal situation. 经常看美剧的朋友一定会发现了,警察经常被称作cops,相比较而言,police,policeman比较正式,所以警察执行任务表明身份时,会大喊:“Police! ”,而不是“Cops”,要不然就画风怪怪的赶脚了 歪果仁在口语里最常用cops来泛指警务人员,包括FBI等。报警也会说:Call the cops, 或Call 911!口语中你也会看到Cop car警车,Cop shop 警察局的用法。 Cop现在是个中性词,在不同语境翻译时,可能有贬义,比如从罪犯嘴里说出来的话,就可以翻译成:“条子”。 例句: *Somebody call the cops! 赶紧报警啊! *Don’t drive so fast, the cops are just behind us. 你车别开那么快,警察就在咱们后面。 *And in return, I won't call the cops on Eric, ever. 作为交换,我永远不会向警察告发Eric。 *So they called the cops on you over a pack of gum ? 所以他们就为了一包口香糖把警察叫来了? *As soon as the thief saw the cops,he ran like hell. 那个小偷一看到警察就拼命地逃跑了。 #英语成语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# 追了好几天的冬奥比赛了,由衷的认同一句话,来和大家一起分享: Winning is not everything. 获胜不是全部。 One may enjoy the process of playing a game whether wins or not. 美国著名橄榄球教练Vince Lombardi文思.伦巴第说过一句名言: Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is. 胜利并不能代表一切,获胜的欲望才能代表一切。 (赢不是全部,想要赢才是。) #英语# Off the charts. *中文释义:爆表的超标的; 处于极高水准的;非常受欢迎的;打破记录;好得没治了;超出预期。 *英文释义:At a very high level; Beyond expectations,more than expected; Extremely popular or successful. 例句: 1. His blood pressure was off the charts. 他的血压值超标了。 2. None of it could have happened without off-the-charts courage. 如果没有过人的勇气,这一切都不可能发生。 3. The new restaurant is totally off the charts. 这间新开的餐厅人气爆棚。 4. He is the best swimmer in the team. His time is off the charts.他是队里最好的游泳运动员,成绩已经破纪录了。 5. Their stress levels can be off the charts. 他们承受的压力也是山大。 6. The new show is totally off the charts. 这个新剧好得没治了。 7. Oh boy, he was off the charts. 挖藕!他真是了不起! #英语每日一句# #英语习语# #English Idiom# #每日打卡背单词# #被书籍治愈的那一刻# [太阳]今天入伏,“蒸煮模式”全面开启。“三伏天”用英文怎么说呢? Dog days. *中文释义:三伏天,大热天,酷暑期 *英文释义:the hottest period of the year. 例句: 1. We're well into the dog days of summer. 我们现在完全进入夏季最热的时期了。 2. The dog days are here, watermelons are just in season. 恰是三伏天儿,西瓜正当令。 3. I can't survive these dog days of summer without air-conditioning. 三伏天儿我就靠空调续命了。 4. A calm and cool ocean is pretty darn effective at easing those dog days of August. 平静凉爽的海水对舒缓八月酷暑是再有效不过的了。 5. With the arrival of the dog days, iced beverages become more and more popular. 随着三伏天的到来,冷饮越来越受欢迎啦。 6. I can't stand the dog days of summer. We'd better stay indoors and drink enough water to avoid heatstroke. 我真受不了三伏天。咱们最好还是呆在屋里多喝水,以免中暑。 #英语# #英语每日一句# #英语习语# 印佣在冰箱上写下要买什么食物,我老公去市场买。他问我,什么是coriander。我咧嘴一笑,你不是常常说你考过六级英语吗?还比不过印佣?他google了一下,哦,不就香菜么。他常常笑我学渣,我还笑他的六级英语垃圾呢 #英语习语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# Right, left and center. *中文释义:四面八方、到处、处处、时时刻刻 *英文释义:here and there; everywhere; all the time. 也作: right and left 或 left and right. 例句: *You can't miss that new released film; they've been promoting it left, right and centre.你不可能错过那部新上映的电影,他们在到处做宣传。 *Such items can be found right and left, at lower prices, too.这样的商品到处都可以找到,价格还更低。 *I would be surprised if that cafe got closed, it has been losing customers right, left and centre over the past years.如果那家咖啡馆关门我一点也不会奇怪,过去几年来它一直在流失顾客。 *He owes money right and left.他到处欠债。 *Mike spends money right and left. Mike到处乱花钱。 *Bob complained that his neighbors were very noisy right and left. Bob到处和人抱怨他的邻居太吵闹了。 #英语每日一句# #英语习语# #English Idiom# Drop the ball *中文释义:漏球,犯错,失误,关键时刻掉链子,处理失当,失职,错失良机 *英文释义:most often describes a situation where someone failed to do something important or necessary; miss an opportunity 在体育运动中使用时,就是“漏球”、“掉球”的意思。棒球、足球或篮球运动员都可能会“关键时刻掉链子”,那通常会导致球队失分或被处罚。 在日常生活中的引申义“关键时刻掉链子”通常描述的情况是(尤指因粗心或愚蠢)没能完成重要或必要的事情。 例句: *What happened? Who dropped the ball on this? 怎么回事?是谁搞砸了? *I never drop the ball on any of my projects or tasks. 我从没有搞砸过任何一项工作。 *For God's sake don't drop the ball on this - we're relying on you. 看在老天的份上 千万不要关键时刻掉链子,我们可全靠你了! *So it was John's fault? Yes, John really dropped the ball on this one.所以这次是John的错?对,他真的是搞砸了。 *I think she really dropped the ball when she decided to turn down the offer. 当她决定不接受录用时,我觉得她真是错失良机。 #英语成语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# I am wasted! 今天我们来看一下be wasted这个用语。waste是浪费的意思,be wasted在不同的语境里有不同的意思: 1. 烂醉如泥,醉得不行了,(也有磕药high了中毒的含义) *Are you OK? You're so wasted. You can't even stand up. 你还好吗?你都醉成啥样了,站都站不起来了。 *Let's go to the bar and celebrate. We're getting wasted tonight! 咱们去酒吧庆祝一下,今晚不醉不休! 关于喝醉的一些词: little tipsy:微醺,be drunk, be hammered和be stoned也都是喝醉的意思,hangover是宿醉 2. 极其疲惫的,精疲力竭的 I worked two shifts and I’m totally wasted. 我连轴干了两个班儿的活,累成狗了。 3. 不名一文的,破产的 I’m wasted. I can’t lose no more. 我破产了, 没有什么再可输的了。 #英语成语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# small potatoes *中文释义:无足轻重的人或事物,无名小卒,泛泛之辈,鸡毛蒜皮的小事 *英文释义:someone who is not important; nobody; something that does not seem important when compared to something else. 这里potato加了es,small potatoes是整体名词。 例句: *His business was small potatoes, you know. 他的生意啥都不是,你懂的。 *Don't buy it. He is only a small potatoes in his company. 你可别信他的,他在他们公司就是个小角色。 *Last week's heavy snow was small potatoes compared to the blizzard we had two years ago.与两年前那次暴风雪相比,上周的大雪微不足道。 #英语# I am on a diet. *释义:我在节食。 If you are on a diet, you eat special kinds of food or you eat less to lose weight. Well, if a doctor puts you on a diet, it means that you should eat certain type of food in order to improve your health. 例句: 1. I am on a diet, hope I can lose few pounds before summer comes. 我正在节食,希望能在夏天到来之前减掉几磅。 2. Have you been on a diet? You've lost a lot of weight.你是在节食减肥吗?你瘦了辣么多! 3. Stop tempting me! I'm on a diet now!Take the pizza out of my sight please. 别再馋我了!我在减肥啊!快把比萨从我视线里拿开!球球了! 4. You should go on a healthy diet, eat more fruit and vegetables. 你应该试试健康饮食习惯,多吃水果蔬菜。 5. He followed doctor's advice and sticked to a low carb, high protein diet. 在医生的建议下,他坚持低碳水化合物、高蛋白的饮食。 6. You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet. 你应该试试把锻炼和健康饮食结合起来。 7. After being diagnosed he was given anti-fungal drugs and put on a low carb diet.在确诊后,他服用了抗真菌药物,并遵循低碳水化合物的饮食要求。 最后来个谐音梗冷笑话儿: I'm on a SEAfood diet, whenever I SEE food, I eat it.... 哈哈哈,大家get 到笑点了吗 #每日打卡背单词# #英语# When pigs fly. *中文释义:绝对不可能;除非母猪上树;除非太阳打西边出来 *英文释义:No chance at all of something happening; it will never happen. [微风]When pigs fly是非常有趣的一个idiom,引申义“绝不可能”。话说语言的相通性真的很有意思,表达“某事绝不可能”时,中文里也有“除非母猪会上树”的说法,堪称是异曲同工之妙了。西方没有西游记和猪八戒,他们的猪没有飞行技能,绝对飞不上天when pigs fly~ 另外一种表达是:Pigs might fly。 例句: 1. He will speak fluent English when pigs fly! 他能把英语说溜儿才怪呢! 2. Sure, he will become reliable. Pigs might fly. 是啊,男人靠得住,母猪会上树。 3. -Do you think Estella will go out with me? -Yeah, when pigs fly! -你觉得Estella会和我约会吗?-是的,当太阳打西边出来的时候! 4. When pigs fly, John will be on time. 要让John准时,是不可能的事情。 5. -One day I’m going to be the President. -Really, when pigs fly! -总有一天我会成为总统。-根本不可能! #英语习语# #英语每日一句# 民以食为天 食以味而美 总结一下各种调料的英文名称 葱 scallion 姜 ginger 蒜 garlic 盐 salt 胡椒 pepper 花椒 peppercorns 酱油 soy sauce 生抽 light soy sauce 老抽 dark soy sauce 醋 vinegar 白醋 white vinegar 料酒 cooking wine 黄芥末 mustard 绿芥末 wasabi 耗油 oyster sauce 味精 MSG 糖 sugar 糖精 saccharin 淀粉 starch 酵母 yeast 碱 alkali 小苏打 baking soda 食用油 cooking oil 橄榄油 olive oil 香油 sesame oil 芝麻酱 sesame paste 豆瓣酱 soybean paste 虾酱 shrimp paste 苏梅酱 plum sauce 桂皮 cinnamon 陈皮 orange peel 香叶 bay leaf 香菜 coriander(cilantro) 胡椒粉 pepper 姜黄根粉 turmeric 八角 star anise 肉豆蔻 nutmeg 咖喱粉 curry powder 罗勒(紫苏 )basil 茴香 fennel 薄荷 mint 鱼露 fish sauce 沙爹酱 satay sauce 沙茶酱 barbeque sauce 沈阳故宫 #英语习语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# Come rain or shine 中文释义:风雨无阻,无论如何,不管发生什么 英文释义:Whatever happens; If you say that someone does something rain or shine, you mean that they do it regularly, without being affected by the weather or other circumstances. 也就是在任何情况下某人都会去做某件事,可以是一个习惯,也可以是一个既定的承诺。 Come rain or shine比 any circumstances更加口语化和非正式,常用于口语表达中;也可作 rain or shine,充当状语成分,一般用于句首或者句尾。 例句: *He is always working in the garden, rain or shine。他总是在花园里干活,不管天晴还是下雨。 *Come rain or shine, I'll see you on Friday. 不管怎样,咱们周五见了。 *Rain or shine, you can count on me!无论怎样你都可以相信我的! *Come rain or shine, Caroline always visits her husband in hospital after work. Caroline总是在下班后去医院探望她先生,风雨无阻。 *Don't worry. I will be there and pick you up, rain or shine. 别担心,无论如何我都会去接你的。 #英语习语# #English Idiom# #英语每日一句# Toy with someone. *中文释义:表示对一个人的感情不认真、不看重,说得重一些就是玩弄某人的感情;轻率对待。 *英文释义:to not care seriously about someone or their feelings, especially during a romantic friendship. 例句: *ROSS: Don't toy with me. 别耍我。 *Peter has been going out with Mary for quite some time, but never talks about marriage. He is just toying with her feelings. Peter和Mary已经约会有一阵子了,但从不谈论婚姻。他只是在玩弄她的感情。 *Ann broke up with Tom because he was just toying with her. He was not serious at all.Ann和Tom分手了,因为Tom只是在玩弄她的感情,根本就不是认真的。 *That you would toy with a fair maiden's heart such as mine without shame... unbelievable. 你会毫不知羞耻地玩弄我这样美丽少女的心,简直难以置信。 Toy with an idea. *中文释义:不太认真地考虑,随便想想 *英文释义:to consider something, but not in a very serious way, and without making a decision. 例句: *We're toying with the idea of going to Peru next year. 我们动了明年去秘鲁的念头。 *I toyed once with the idea of emigrating to Canada, but rejected it almost at once because of the climate. 我曾动过念头移民加拿大,但一想到那的气候,我几乎立刻就放弃了。 *Neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter. 为了减少杂乱,爱整洁的人甚至会起把孩子扔出屋外的念头。 Toy with something. *中文释义:摆弄,拨弄 *英文释义:to touch an object or move it around with your hand, without any purpose but while thinking about something else 例句: *She just toyed with her salad. 她只是拨弄着她那份色拉。 *He toyed nervously with a button on his jacket as he was speaking. 他边说话边紧张地拨弄着上衣纽扣。