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作者:抖音小助手 浏览量: 时间:2024-05-09 16:57

  1. Arial   Arial是一种普遍使用的无衬线字体,也是网页设计中最常用的字体之一。它具有简单干净的设计和易于浏览的外观,特别适合用于标题和正文。   Arial可以从多个在线资源中免费下载,其中包括许多免费字体网站。   2. Verdana   Verdana是另一种常用的无衬线字体,具有较大的字形和宽松的字符间距,允许在小屏幕上查看更多文字内容。因此,Verdana是适用于移动设备和低分辨率屏幕的优秀选择。   Verdana的免费下载也很容易,可以从在线字体库中下载。   3. Times New Roman   作为衬线字体,Times New Roman通常用于传统文档和专业领域的文件,例如资料文档和研究报告。它的字形设计经典,仿佛在你眼前的文字都经过时间的沉淀,感觉非常的稳重和优美。   Times New Roman也是免费下载的,可以在各在线字体网站中找到。   4. Georgia   Georgia是一种衬线字体,具有较粗的字形和明显的谷底横向线条。这种字体经常用于各种设计中,比如,广告、宣传画、传单、海报等等。   它的设计以返古为主,所以非常适合展示具有一定历史感和复古感的设计作品。   5. Tahoma   Tahoma是一种紧凑型无衬线字体,具有窄小的字形、清晰的弧形,因此在小屏幕设备上看起来非常清晰。在网页设计中,Tahoma是非常适用于数字信息的展示和指南。   Tahoma的下载非常方便,在市场上有大量免费下载的资源。   6. Calibri   Calibri是一种相对新近的字体,设计得干净、美观、简洁。在其他微软Office软件中使用很为广泛,又被广泛应用在各种印刷品、标志设计、PPT设计等。   Calibri的字形较为柔和,且使得字符看起来非常整洁与直观。   7. Century Gothic   Century Gothic是一种无衬线字体,具有流畅的字形和开放的字形设计,使得该字体非常适用于广告设计和商业文档。此外, Century Gothic的设计有点类似基于几何形的设计,因此非常适合显示科技感较逊但仍带点现代感且让人耳目一新的设计风格。   Century Gothic的下载很容易,可以从许多在线字体库中自由获取。   8. Lucida Sans   Lucida Sans是一种紧凑型、有衬线的字体,它有效地把字母、数字和符号处理得非常清晰,使得空间的使用率极高。同时,这种字体的色调柔和、整洁,极为适合于科技、工程或其他需要展示大量表格或文字的场景。   Lucida Sans也是一种常见的字体,可以在在线资源库中免费下载。   9. Segoe UI   Segoe UI是一种相对新近的无衬线字体,通常用于Windows操作系统。它具有整洁的设计和宽松的字符间距,使得阅读体验非常良好。   Segoe UI能够非常优秀地应用到现代科技或时尚设计中,使其展现出现代感非常美妙的风格。   10. Rockwell   Rockwell是一种衬线字体,具有很强的魅力,设计感强、形态美观。此外,它非常适合于艺术和设计领域使用,可作为工艺品、漫画、游戏等其他多方面的展示字体。   Rockwell从许多在线字体库中免费下载。   总结   以上是常用的10种英文网页设计常用字体,每一种字体都有其优缺点与不同的使用场景,如果您是一名网页设计师,希望本文能够对您选择字体有所帮助。总之,为了获得更好的用户体验和视觉体验,字体选择应综合考虑整体排版要素,结合阅读体验与原则设计。希望本文能对字体设计有所启迪,提升您网页设计的质量。   One of the most commonly used fonts on English websites is Arial. This font has a clean and simple design, making it easy to read on screens of all sizes. It was created by Monotype Imaging and first introduced in 1982. Arial is known for its versatility, as it can be used in a variety of settings, including headlines, body text, and captions.   2. Times New Roman   Another widely used font is Times New Roman. This font was designed by Stanley Morison and Victor Lardent in 1931 for use in the Times newspaper. It has since become a popular choice for body text on websites and other digital media. Times New Roman has a traditional and formal feel, which makes it a good choice for academic or professional websites.   3. Verdana   Verdana is a font that was designed by Matthew Carter for Microsoft in 1996. It was created specifically for use on screens, as it is easy to read at small sizes. Verdana is a sans-serif font, which means that it does not have the small lines or "serifs" at the ends of each letter. This makes it a good choice for body text on websites, as it is easy on the eyes.   4. Georgia   Georgia is a serif font that was designed by Matthew Carter in 1993 for Microsoft. It was specifically created for use on screens, as it is easy to read at small sizes. Georgia has a traditional and classic feel, making it a good choice for websites that have a more serious or professional tone.   5. Tahoma   Tahoma is a font that was designed by Matthew Carter and released by Microsoft in 1994. It has a similar design to Verdana, with a simplified and easy-to-read appearance. Tahoma is a sans-serif font, making it a good choice for body text on websites. It has a modern feel that makes it suitable for websites with a more contemporary design.   6. Helvetica   Helvetica is a sans-serif font that was designed by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann in 1957. It has a clean and modern appearance, which makes it a popular choice for websites that have a minimalist design. Helvetica is often used for headlines or large blocks of text, as it is easy to read at any size.   7. Open Sans   Open Sans is a sans-serif font that was designed by Steve Matteson in 2011. It has a clean and modern appearance, which makes it a popular choice for websites that have a contemporary design. Open Sans is often used for body text on websites, as it is easy to read at small sizes.   8. Roboto   Roboto is a sans-serif font that was designed by Christian Robertson for use in the Android operating system. It has a clean and modern appearance, which makes it a good choice for websites with a minimalist design. Roboto is often used for body text on websites, as it is easy to read at small sizes.   9. Lato   Lato is a sans-serif font that was designed by Łukasz Dziedzic in 2010. It has a clean and stylish appearance, which makes it a popular choice for websites that have a modern design. Lato is often used for body text on websites, as it is easy to read at small sizes.   10. PT Sans   PT Sans is a sans-serif font that was designed by ParaType in 2009. It has a clean and modern appearance, which makes it a good choice for websites with a contemporary design. PT Sans is often used for body text on websites, as it is easy to read at small sizes.